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Excel Tips - How to use CHOOSE function

Another simple function which seems nothing much of a use at the first look. But it can be used choose from a predetermined list.

CHOOSE(index_num, value1, [value2], ...)

index_num and value1 and necessary. value2 to value255 (excel 2010) is optional. If index_num is 1 then value1 is the result, if index_num is 2 then value2 is the result and so on.

For example, let's say we need to know the "DAY" of a certain date. To do that we need to use another excel function WEEKDAY.

The week is from Sunday to Monday,

Sunday 1
Monday 2
Tuesday 3
Wednesday 4
Thursday 5
Friday 6
Saturday 7

So, CHOOSE(1,"Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday") will give Sunday. It is possible to have the days in cells. But for this example I will keep within the function.

Now, instead of index_num = 1, we will use =WEEKDAY(4th July 2012). Cell A14 contain the date.


Just to illustrate I made a table.
4 July, 1999 Sunday
4 July, 2000 Tuesday
4 July, 2001 Wednesday
4 July, 2002 Thursday
4 July, 2003 Friday
4 July, 2004 Sunday
4 July, 2005 Monday
4 July, 2006 Tuesday
4 July, 2007 Wednesday
4 July, 2008 Friday
4 July, 2009 Saturday
4 July, 2010 Sunday
4 July, 2011 Monday
4 July, 2012 Wednesday

CHOOSE can be used in conjunction with other excel commands like SUM.

As always, love to have your comments.

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